From the Interim Resource Presbyter March 21, 2024

Beloved friends in Christ:

In February, I informed the human resource committee that I would not extend my contract as your interim resource presbyter beyond its conclusion on June 12, 2024. My reasons are many and multifaceted.

Like many presbyteries, Cayuga Syracuse is in a time of transition. Over the last decade, the presbytery has employed several different strategies in pursuit of an organizational structure that embodies the Missio Dei. These structures have included a volunteer led Leadership Team, which had oversight over many of the decisions undertaken by the presbytery. Over time, the number of volunteers needed to lead this endeavor and the fear by some that the Leadership Team had become too powerful led to the adaptation of the present structure. This structure requires the presbytery as a whole to be responsible for all decision making. However, in practical terms it is impossible to effectively run the day-to-day operations of an organization when the decision-making body only meets three or four times a year. In addition, it has become increasingly more difficult to find volunteers to help lead many of our vital ministries. A compromise is needed.

A few months ago, Presbytery Moderator Garrett Anderson, Temporary Stated Clerk, Amy Loving Austin, and I, began conversations with committee chairs on what structural changes would be necessary to ensure the presbytery administered good governance alongside a healthy ecclesiastical community. These changes would include some form of governing council along with all necessary bylaws and standing rules that promote the communication of roles and responsibilities of churches, committees, staff, and members. These recommendations will be brought forward at the next presbytery meeting in May. Because Amy’s term as temporary stated clerk will be coming to an end in April and my term in June, we feel that it is very important to complete this work in a timely manner.

We understand that communication is important and that many might be thinking, “Here we go again,” but each of us in our own way wants what is best for our presbytery. I encourage you to reach out to either Garrett, Amy or myself with any questions or suggestions you might have.

In Christ’s Peace,


Rev. Kathleen Dain

Interim Resource Presbyter


From the Acting Stated Clerk March 21, 2024


Anticipating the Next Verse